Channel: 3

Provider: Lyra

Payment Method: Debit / Credit Card

Available Currencies

Chilean PesosCLPChile

Request example

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --data public_key=zyssglikvtltbd2se2hudwl50jjomil2uytp7tpvjtxyfdw469jagk8yvnex9jks \
  --data time=2022-10-13T14:39:09 \
  --data channel=3 \
  --data amount=300 \
  --data currency=CLP \
  --data trans_id=1 \
  --data time_expired=120 \
  --data url_ok= \
  --data url_error= \
  --data signature=1a72e22bca745685e6f942f4c32994e3a60c2cd73327e8f63dd77af010b5bf89
  --data 'shopper_information={"name_shopper": "Jon","last_name_Shopper": "Snow","type_doc_identi": "DNI","Num_doc_identi": "92738009","email": "[email protected]","country_code": "+56","Phone": "999763655"}'

$curl = curl_init();

curl_setopt_array($curl, [
  CURLOPT_URL => "",
  CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => "public_key=zyssglikvtltbd2se2hudwl50jjomil2uytp7tpvjtxyfdw469jagk8yvnex9jks&time=2022-10-13T14%3A39%3A09&channel=3&amount=300&currency=CLP&trans_id=1&time_expired=120&"

$response = curl_exec($curl);
$err = curl_error($curl);


if ($err) {
  echo "cURL Error #:" . $err;
} else {
  echo $response;
import requests

url = ""

payload = "public_key=zyssglikvtltbd2se2hudwl50jjomil2uytp7tpvjtxyfdw469jagk8yvnex9jks&time=2022-10-13T14%3A39%3A09&channel=3&amount=300&currency=CLP&trans_id=1&time_expired=120&"
response = requests.request("POST", url, data=payload)

const qs = require("querystring");
const http = require("http");

const options = {
  "method": "POST",
  "hostname": "",
  "port": null,
  "path": "/justpay/check-out/SecurePayment",
  "headers": {}

const req = http.request(options, function (res) {
  const chunks = [];

  res.on("data", function (chunk) {

  res.on("end", function () {
    const body = Buffer.concat(chunks);

  public_key: 'zyssglikvtltbd2se2hudwl50jjomil2uytp7tpvjtxyfdw469jagk8yvnex9jks',
  time: '2022-10-13T14:39:09',
  channel: '3',
  amount: '300',
  currency: 'CLP',
  trans_id: '1',
  time_expired: '120',
  url_ok: '',
  url_error: '',
  signature: '1a72e22bca745685e6f942f4c32994e3a60c2cd73327e8f63dd77af010b5bf89',
  shopper_information:'{"name_shopper": "Jon","last_name_Shopper": "Snow","type_doc_identi": "DNI","Num_doc_identi": "92738009","email": "[email protected]","country_code": "+56","Phone": "999763655"}'

Mandatory Data

AttributeMandatoryData typeDescription
public_keyTrueString (255)Public key, unique value that identifies the commerce
timeTrueDatetimeRequest data time
channelTrueIntegerPayment Channel
amountTrueDoubleThe amount of the transaction. Use 2 decimals.
currencyTrueString (3)Transaction currency code
trans_idTrueString (255)Transaction id
time_expiredTrueString (255)Time in minutes to expire the token. Value given in minutes. Minimum Suggested: Online: 30 minutes Cash: 2 hours For Brazil: Online: 2 hours Cash 24 hrs
url_okTrueString (255)URL where shopper will be redirected from the online banking if payment was successful (Must be Https)
url_errorTrueString (255)URL where shopper will be redirected from the online banking if payment was wrong.(Must be Https)
signatureTrueString (255)Signature hash256: Review signature calculation
shopper_informationTrueJSON StringJSON String Data: Review JSON index & format

shopper_information JSON format


Field shopper_information must be send in string format (JSON encode).

'{"name_shopper": "Jon","last_name_Shopper": "Snow","type_doc_identi": "DNI","Num_doc_identi": "92738009","email": "[email protected]","country_code": "+56","Phone": "999763655"}'

The shopper_information field is a column corresponding to a json with the next keys:

ParameterMandatoryData TypeDescription
name_shopperTrueString (255)Shopper's name
last_name_ShopperTrueString (255)Shopper's last name
type_doc_identiTrueString (255)Identification document [RUT,DNI,CI, ID etc.]
Num_doc_identiTrueString (255)Identification document number
emailTrueString (255)Shopper's e-mail
country_codeTrueString (10)Country's phone code (Ex. +57)
PhoneTrueString (20)Shopper's phone number

Test Transactions

Simulate payment

Once the notification URL is configured, please follow the steps below to begin the tests.

  1. Create Transaction: The first thing you need to do is create a transaction, you will be redirected to Transbank.
  2. Select the Credit, Debit or Prepaid Card

  1. Select TEST COMMERCE BANK, enter one of the Testing Cards number and click on Pay button

Credit and Debits TEST Cards CLP

BrandTypeCard NumberCVVExp DateStatus
VisaCREDIT CARD4051885600446623123AnyAPPROVED
MastercardCREDIT CARD5186059559590568123AnyREJECTED
Red compraDEBIT & PREPAID CARD4051884239937763N/AN/AAPPROVED
MastercardDEBIT & PREPAID CARD5186008541233829N/AN/AREJECTED
  1. Login : For Credit Card you will redirect to validation
    Enter the following credential and then log in:
  • Rut: 11.111.111-1
  • Clave: 123
  1. Select Accept (Acertar) option and click on continue button

  1. You will be redirected to a resume page and the transaction will be completed