The response of the request will be a list of json (In case the trans_id is in more than one transaction or just a json) with next keys:

AttributeData typeDescription
idInteger (30)ALPS Operation ID
mid_idInteger (30)ALPS Merchant ID
amountDoubleThe amount of the transaction. Use 2 decimals
currencyString (255)Transaction currency
channelIntegerPayment Channel, 1 for Online
created_atDatetimeCreation date of the transaction
trans_idInteger (255)Transaction id
time_expiredString (255)Time in minutes to expire the token. Value given in minutes
cod_operation_partnerString (255)Vendor transaction ID
cod_payment_partnerString (255)Vendor payment ID
cod_transaction_partnerString (255)Vendor payment ID
statusInteger (1)Status transaction ID
status_descriptionString (40)Status transaction description
user_bank_codeString (40)User bank redirect (Only for channel 5)

Signature Calculation

The signature is the chain of concatenated data and Hash SHA256 encryption will be applied.

Signature is builded using these keys arguments:

  • public_key
  • time
  • mid_id
  • trans_id
  • secure_key



$string = $public_key.$time.$mid_id.$trans_id.$secure_key;
$result_signature = hash('sha256', $string);

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!