public_key: "3e305d5cdd126be57d06d52b860dfd8c4f5706",
time: "2018-01-25T19:49:57",
channel: 1,
amount: 1000.00,
currency: "CLP",
trans_id: "10001"
time_expired: 120,
url_ok: "https://www.website.com/thanks",
url_error: "https://www.website.com/error",
signature: "fa0aca924215578ae4096500a6c38885",
shopper_information: {
name_shopper: "John",
last_name_Shopper: "Doe",
type_doc_identi: "RUT",
Num_doc_identi: "11111111K",
email: "johndoe@email.dot",
country_code: "56",
Phone: "999999999"
Operation data
Attribute | Data type | Description |
public_key | String (255) | Public key, unique value that identifies the commerce |
time | Datetime | Request data time |
channel | Integer | Payment Channel |
amount | Double | The amount of the transaction. Use 2 decimals. |
currency | Cadena de caracteres (255) | Transaction currency |
trans_id | String (255) | Transaction id |
time_expired | String (255) | Time in minutes to expire the token. Value given in minutes. Minimum Suggested: Online: 30 minutes Cash: 2 hours For Brazil: Online: 2 hours Cash 24 hrs |
url_ok | String (255) | URL where shopper will be redirected from the online banking if payment was successful (Must be Https) |
url_error | String (255) | URL where shopper will be redirected from the online banking if payment was wrong.(Must be Https) |
signature | String (255) | Signature hash256: Review signature calculation |
shopper_information | JSON | JSON Data |