Transaction object

     "id": 104765,
     "payroll": 2851,
     "order_id": "148785",
     "credit_note": "111111137",
     "account_id": "9012141",
     "account_type": "Cuenta Corriente",
     "vat_id": "11222333-4",
     "vat_id_type": "DNI/Pasaporte/Doc Extranjeria/RUT",
     "name": "Arnold Schwarzenegger",
     "amount": 75390.0,
     "subject": "No desea/no puede comprar",
     "bank_detail": "Devolución ",
     "channel": "Transferencia",
     "user_email": "",
     "phone_number": "932288632",
     "created_at": "09-01-2020 21:01:39",
     "updated_at": "09-01-2020 21:01:34",
     "transfer_status": 5,
     "transfer_status_description": "approved by bank",
     "currency": 1,
     "currency_code": "CLP",
     "bank_id": 30,
     "bank_name": "Banco del Estado de Chile",
     "bank_reference": "BCI-CL-PNOL-21227837"
idID transaction, assigned by the system.
payrollID payout, assigned by the system.
order_idPayment order identification or credit note.
credit_noteInternal code for customer use, it must be a unique code.
account_idAccount number.
account_typeAccount type. In Chile there are 4 types of accounts (Savings, Vista, current and Ruth) and in Peru (Savings Account and Current Account).
vat_idNational identification document number , Passport number, PTP number.
vat_id_typeNational identification document. In Chile RUT / RUN and in Peru DNI, CE, PASSPORT, PTP.
nameBeneficiary Name.
amountAmount to transfer.
subjectFree use. Example: He don't want / can't travel.
bank_detailFree use. Example: Refund Company.
channelFree use. Example: (refund e-commercer; Payment to providers; Transfer).
user_emailEmail to notify withdrawal.
phone_numberPhone to notify transfer.
created_atTransfer Creation Date.
updated_atTransfer Update Date.
transfer_statusWithdrawal Status.
transfer_status_descriptionDescription of the status.
currencyCurrency ID.
currency_codeCurrency Code.
bank_idid Bank where where the withdrawal will be made.
bank_nameBank where the withdrawal will be made.
bank_referenceBank Reference, automatically assigned by the System.