JUMP TOWelcomeIntroductionPayouts (Cashout)EnvironmentsPinggetAuthenticationget tokenpostupdate user profilepatchupdate user passwordpatchBanksBank objectBank listgetPayout statusPayout status objectPayout status listgetPayout balancegetTransaction statusTransaction status objectTransaction statuses listgetCurrencyCurrency objectCurrency listgetPayouts and TransactionsPayout objectPayout ListgetTransaction objectCreate payoutpostList transactionsgetGet transactiongetCancel transactiondeleteDetails by countryBrazilChileColombiaEcuadorPeruPayouts error codesPayments (cashin)IntroductionEnvironmentsOperationsOperation objectGet operationgetCreate operationpostStatusDocument ID typesChannels1 - Online (CLP,PEN,USD,MXN,BRL)2 - Cash (CLP,PEN,USD,MXN,BRL)3 - Debit / Credit Card (CLP)4 - PagoEfectivo (PEN)5 - Bank Transfer (CLP)8 - Debit / Credit Card (BRL)10 - Debit / Credit Card (PEN, COP)11 - Online Bank (CLP)12 - Bank Transfer (ETPay - MXN)13 - APM (COP, MXN, BRL)14 - PIX (BRL)16 - PayCash (MXN, COP, CRC, GTQ, HNL, USD)Payment Notification – IPNSuccess payment notificationReject notificationManual notificationPayments error codesPowered by Payout Listget https://demo-payouts.alps.cl/api/payrolls/Returns a list with all payouts