Table with error codes for payments

Error message structure

  'error': {
    'code': "{Code}",
    'message': "{Description}"

Errors List

MISSING_FIELDInvalid request. Field(s) required: {public_key, time, amount, currency, trans_id, url_ok, url_error, channel, signature}
EMPTY_FIELDInvalid request. Field(s) cannot be empty
INVALID_CHANNELInvalid channel - {channel}
INVALID_MERCHANTNo merchant found with provided {public_key}
INVALID_SIGNATUREThe provided signature is incorrect. {signature}
NEGATIVE_AMOUNTAmount must be greater than zero - {amount}
NO_DECIMALSThe currency [{currency}] does not allow decimal values - {currency}
INVALID_CURRENCYInvalid currency - {currency}
INVALID_AMOUNTAmount must be a valid number - {amount}
INVALID_CURRENCY_CHANNELCurrency code not allowed for this channel - {currency}
INVALID_CHANNEL_MIDInvalid channel for mid_id - {channel}
USERBANK_CODE_REQUIREDField is required - {user_bank_code}
SHOPPERINFO_REQUIREDShopper's information is required - {shopper_information}
SHOPPERINFO_BAD_FORMATShopper's information has bad format - {shopper_information}
SHOPPER_INVALID_IDInvalid shopper document type ID - {shopper_information.type_doc_identi}
SHOPPER_INVALID_CPFInvalid CPF/CNPJ - {shopper_information.Num_doc_identi}
SHOPPER_INVALID_PHONEInvalid Phone number - {shopper_information.Phone}
SHOPPER_INVALID_ADDRESSInvalid address format - {shopper_information.address}
SHOPPER_ADDRESS_REQUIREDAddress shopper information should have the following fields {zipcode, street, number, district, complement, city, state} - {shopper_information.address}
SHOPPER_INVALID_ZIPCODEAddress zipcode length should be eight (8) charecters - {shopper_information.address.zipcode}
SHOPPER_INVALID_STATEAddress state code length should be two (2) charecters - {shopper_information.address.state}
SHOPPER_INVALID_IDTYPEInvalid shopper document type ID - {shopper_information.type_doc_identi}
SHOPPER_INVALID_EMAILInvalid shopper email - {}
SHOPPER_COUNTRY_REQUIREDShopper's country is required - {}
SHOPPER_INVALID_RUTInvalid RUT - {shopper_information.Num_doc_identi}
SHOPPER_INVALID_CPFInvalid CPF/CNPJ - {shopper_information.Num_doc_identi}
SHOPPER_COUNTRY_NOTALLOWEDCountry not allowed for this channel - {}
KYC_FAILEDKYC validation failed
MAX_AMOUNT_LIMITAmount exceeds the maximum allowed (7500 USD) - {amount}
DISABLED_CURRENCYThis currency is not currently available - {currency}
DISABLED_CHANNELThis channel is not currently available - {channel}