Detail of fields for the transaction process in Brazil.
Attribute | Data Type | Mandatory |
order_id | String [max_length:40] | Yes |
credit_note | String [max_length:40] | Yes |
account_id | Integer [max_length:20] The first value of the account number before the hyphen, with no additional dots or hyphens. Example: if the account number is 000123456789-1 the value to be sent to this field will be 000123456789 | Yes |
account_type | String [max_length:9] (savings or checking) + The second value of the account number before the hyphen, with no additional dots or hyphens. Example: if the account number is 000123456789-1 and the account type is savings, the value to be sent to this field will be savings-1 | Yes |
vat_id | Integer [max_length:20] | Yes |
vat_id_type | String [max_length:4] Allow values: - cpf - cnpj - rne | Yes |
name | String [max_length:100] | Yes |
amount | decimal | Yes |
subject | String [max_length:100] Example: Withdrawal request | Yes |
bank_detail | String [max_length:100] Example: User withdrawal request | Yes |
channel | String [max_length:100] Example: Transfer request | Yes |
user_email | String [max_length:100] Example: | Yes |
phone_number | String [max_length:30] Example: +5511111111111 | Yes |
bank | Id value according to bank from /api/banks/?country=BR&fields=id,name | Yes |
currency | Id value from /api/currencies/ Allowed currencies: - BRL | No |